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Adopt Delylah a Tan/Yellow/Fawn - with White German Shepherd Dog / Husky / Mixed | Brown, White, Y1

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Adopt Delylah a Tan/Yellow/Fawn - with White German Shepherd Dog / Husky / Mixed

Tonawanda, NY

She is a good dog and a cuddler. I would love to keep her but she gets car sick on long rides and and it would not be fair to her to be in a car for 13 hours due to me relocating for my job. She has live in a home with newborn up to adulthood. She gets along with everyone and rarely barks. She doesnt like men that wear baseball hats unless she is used to them. I rescued her from a home that where she was being abused. She needs a grain free food and is allergic to fleas. She does like baths and walks. She is crate trained. I feed her the purina instincts food with turkey and venison.
American White Shepherd
May 17 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Delylah a Tan/Yellow/Fawn - with White German Shepherd Dog / Husky / Mixed
Adopt Delylah a Tan/Yellow/Fawn - with White German Shepherd Dog / Husky / Mixed is a Brown, White, Yellow Female American White Shepherd, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky for sale in Buffalo. Find other listings like Adopt Delylah a Tan/Yellow/Fawn - with White German Shepherd Dog / Husky / Mixed by searching Oodle for Brown, White, Yellow Female American White Shepherd, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky Dogs.