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Adopt Emma a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mutt / Mixed dog in Riverview
Riverview, FL
Emma is a Staffie mix. She is 8 years old and is up-to-date on all her shots. She is also spayed, microchipped, crate and house trained. She is (mostly) good with other dogs, preferably large male breeds rather than females or small dogs. She loves snuggles, kisses, zoomies, treats, going to work and playing outside if it isn't too hot. She needs her boundaries respected and dislikes small children, thunderstorms, fireworks, toasters and garbage trucks. We adopted her when she was 9 weeks old in Deltona, FL, and love her dearly. Our family is growing but we feel we must rehome her.
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More About this Listing: Adopt Emma a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mutt / Mixed dog in Riverview
Adopt Emma a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mutt / Mixed dog in Riverview is a Female Mutt, Staffordshire Bull Terrier for sale in Tampa. Find other listings like Adopt Emma a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mutt / Mixed dog in Riverview by searching Oodle for Female Mutt, Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dogs.
Adopt Emma a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mutt / Mixed dog in Riverview is a Female Mutt, Staffordshire Bull Terrier for sale in Tampa. Find other listings like Adopt Emma a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mutt / Mixed dog in Riverview by searching Oodle for Female Mutt, Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dogs.