Golden Retrievers for Sale in Santa Cruz, California
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Adopt APRIL a Rottweiler, Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever · Santa Cruz, CA... see more at Petfinder.comAPRIL ·Over 4 weeks ago on Petfinder.comTools- XTools
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Adopt Rosie a Australian Shepherd / Golden Retriever / Mixed dog in Monterey
Australian Shepherd · Monterey, CAI was cared for by a loving SPCA Foster Family until I was ready for adoption. I came to the SPCA as part of an unwanted litter. I'm safe and happy now! I might be little but I have a lot of personality. I hope you can spend some time getting to k...Over 4 weeks ago on Adopt-a-Pet.comTools- XTools
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Adopt Whisky a Tan/Yellow/Fawn Labrador Retriever / Golden Retriever / Mixed dog
Golden Retriever · San Jose, CAWhisky has been our 2 year olds best friend. However our busy schedules (two teenagers in comp sports) have us busy all week and tournaments on the weekends. We are both full time employees and given that and 3 boys, there’s little time for Whisky...Over 4 weeks ago on Adopt-a-Pet.comTools- XTools
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