Male Pomeranian Puppies for Sale in Birmingham, AL
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Adopt Baby Boy Pip a Poodle, Pomeranian
Pomeranian · Baileyton, ALBaby Boy Pip is a four month old PomaPoo puppy that weighs 5.2 pounds. He is neutered, is fully vaccinated, has been treated for parasites and is on monthly heartworm and flea preventives. Pip is friendly, happy, healthy and well adjusted. His fav...Baby Boy Pip ·Over 4 weeks ago on Petfinder.comTools- XTools
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Adopt Baby Boy Percy a Poodle, Pomeranian
Pomeranian · Baileyton, ALBaby Boy Percy is a four month old PomaPoo puppy that weighs 7.8 pounds (mostly hair). He is neutered, is fully vaccinated, has been treated for parasites and is on monthly heartworm and flea preventives. Percy is friendly, happy, healthy and well...Baby Boy Percy ·Over 4 weeks ago on Petfinder.comTools- XTools
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