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Adopt Rags a Black - with Tan, Yellow or Fawn Rottweiler / Retriever (Unknown | Black, Brown, Yell1

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Adopt Rags a Black - with Tan, Yellow or Fawn Rottweiler / Retriever (Unknown

Detroit, MI

Rags is a very friendly and chill Rottie mix who was luckily rescued by his foster. He was found walking down a median on a busy road in Detroit. Rags currently lives with several other dogs and is very loving and sweet. It appeared he was not very well taken care of when found. He has an overbite which was probably congenital that causes his tongue to stick out. He had heartworm disease when we first got him but he was treated and is now healthy and heartworm negative. Rags is about 72 pounds and estimated to be about 8 years old. Rags has a good personality and would love to finally find a wonderful new family to love and care for him. This fellow definitely deserves it. Please consider making him a new addition to your home or companion for another friendly dog.
May 17 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Rags a Black - with Tan, Yellow or Fawn Rottweiler / Retriever (Unknown
Adopt Rags a Black - with Tan, Yellow or Fawn Rottweiler / Retriever (Unknown is a Black, Brown, Yellow Male Rottweiler for sale in Detroit. Find other listings like Adopt Rags a Black - with Tan, Yellow or Fawn Rottweiler / Retriever (Unknown by searching Oodle for Black, Brown, Yellow Male Rottweiler Dogs.